Judea and Samaria

Knesset votes NO to a Palestinian state

July 18, 2024 – The Knesset – Jerusalem, Israel The People Have Spoken: NO to a Palestinian state in the heart of the Land of Israel! Regavim welcomes the historic Knesset resolution against the establishment of a Palestinian state in the heart of Israel: “With an overwhelming majority of votes and cross-party consensus, an important […]

Op-ed: Wishful thinking redux

One of the most talked-about topics in Israeli public discourse since the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war is the collapse of what Israelis call “the conception,” the assumptions regarding the intentions, capabilities and willingness of the Palestinian people and its leadership to wage war. The paradigm that has shaped Israel’s military and political strategy for […]

Exposed: Nearly 80 “PASF terrorists” in the past three years

A new report reveals that nearly 80 officers of the Palestinian Authority Security Forces have been killed or arrested while carrying out terror attacks against Israeli citizens and IDF soldiers in the past three years. Regavim: “To continue to claim that the Palestinian Authority is a moderating force that fights terrorism is to prop up […]

Reasonableness, unreasonableness and the abuse of the legal system

Under a newly adopted law, the “reasonableness doctrine,” created by former Chief Justice Aharon Barak as a means of vastly expanding the power of Israel’s High Court to overrule policy choices made by officials, has been curtailed.  In what may come as a surprise to critics of the move in Israel and abroad, the sky has not fallen, […]

Party’s Over: Regavim Petitions Against Illegal Event Venue

After months of unanswered complaints and correspondence, Regavim has taken its battle against an illegal events venue up a notch: A new petition filed jointly with the Gush Etzion Regional Council demands immediate enforcement. “The Palestinians are partying at our expense.“ A new petition to the Jerusalem District Court demands the immediate demolition of an […]

After six years, Israel razes illegal PA structure at ancient Jewish site

Following our petition, Civil Administration forces tore down an illegal Palestinian school, built in the Herodion Nature Reserve and Heritage Site in Gush Etzion. 63 days after the Jerusalem District Court ordered to seal off and demolish the illegal structure, and despite UN efforts to delay law enforcement, the school was taken down. This school […]

Regavim in The Hague

Shortly before Pesach, Naomi Kahn, Director of Regavim’s International Division, participated in an international conference convened by thinc. – The Hague Initiative for International Cooperation – following the recent publication of their in-depth study of European policy in the Middle East, “Two States for Two Peoples? European Policy and the Arab-Israel Conflict.” The conference, titled […]

Beit Fajjar quarry: Judge gives State 60 days to do homework

“Have any of you ever been to the quarry?” – that’s what the judge asked the State representatives in last week’s District Court hearing in the case of the Beit Fajjar quarry. The Beit Fajjar quarry, located in east Gush Etzion and mainly in Area C, is the largest illegal quarry in the country, spreading […]

Exclusive New Housing Development for Terrorists Only

In the heart of the Land of Israel, an exclusive new housing project is underway. To qualify for this prime location you must have Jewish blood on your hands: Eligibility is for those who have served a minimum 5-year prison sentence in an Israeli security prison. Recently, work began on a new neighborhood of 100 […]

Regavim warns Knesset: PA creating land bridge through illegal building in Samaria

In a hearing of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on the repeal of the Disengagement Law, Avraham Binyamin last week, Director of Regavim’s Policy Division, presented documentation of massive illegal Palestinian construction in northern Samaria in general, and particularly on the ruins of the Ganim, Kadim and Sa-Noor communities that were de-populated as part […]

A Test of ‘Reasonableness’: State requests additional postponement for Khan al Ahmar evacuation

For the ninth time: the State of Israel asks the High Court to allow another postponement of its response to Regavim’s petition for the evacuation of the Palestinian Authority’s flagship outpost, Khan al Ahmar. Regavim: “A right-wing government is tested by deeds, not by words.” The extension granted to the state four months ago to […]

“A Moment of Truth:” Edelstein and Danon at Khan al Ahmar

This morning (Monday), Likud MKs Danny Danon and Yoel (Yuli) Edelstein joined the Regvaim Movement and the Jerusalem Environs Forum – and faced by a pro-Palestinian demonstration. Regavim: “The question isn’t whether or not, but how and when the outpost will be evacuated.” The deadline for the state’s response in the Khan al Ahmar case […]

Next Defense Minister must repeal the racist law in force in Judea & Samaria

The High Court of Justice rejected the Regavim Movement’s petition to repeal Jordanian Law #40 which prohibits the sale of property in Judea and Samaria to Jews, on the grounds that “there is no call for intervening in matters of state”: “Despite the difficulty we have in coming to terms with the language of the […]

Regavim brings illegal Palestinian construction to Benny Gantz’s front door

The Regavim Movement constructed a “Palestinian outpost” outside the home of Minister of Defense Benny Gantz – and within minutes were “evicted.” “Gantz is singlehandedly creating the Palestinian state.” This morning (Monday), members of the Regavim Movement erected a structure, decorated with Palestinian and European Union flags, near the Rosh Ha’ayin home of the Minister […]

Rate of illegal Palestinian construction in Area C increased by 80% in 2022

A report released by the Regavim Movement reveals that in 2022, illegal Palestinian construction in Area C, the portion of Judea and Samaria under full Israeli jurisdiction, increased by 80%. The report documents 5535 new illegal structures built in 2022, compared to 3076 structures in the same period in 2021. Regavim: “The Israeli government is […]

Our Field Coordinator comes under fire near Kiryat Arba

On Thursday afternoon (29 September), shots were fired at Regavim’s Field Coordinator for Judea and Samaria. On a routine field patrol near Kiryat Arba, Regavim’s Field Coordinator for Judea and Samaria and the Municipality’s Land Protection Officer were targeted by gunfire. The incident ended without casualties. Regavim’s Field Coordinator, Menash Shmueli, alerted security forces who […]

Indefensible Equivalence

There seems to be no limit to the hypocrisy and double-talk to which Israeli voters are being exposed in this election season. This week’s installment of double-speak came from no lesser a luminary than Minister of Defense Benny Gantz, who is quickly proving himself to be a master of the genre. Speaking from the podium […]

Regavim petitions High Court: Cancel the directive that protects illegal Palestinian construction

In a renewed petition submitted to the High Court of Justice, the Regavim Movement calls for changes in Civil Administration procedures that automatically freeze enforcement against thousands of illegal structures in Area C. Regavim: “This procedural distortion encourages illegal construction, entrenches and enables the Palestinian takeover of Area C.” In 2021, a Regavim petition to […]

The Israeli Government’s Gift to Biden: The Palestinian State

Thousands of dunams for expansion and construction – on land that will cut off Jewish communities from Jerusalem: Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria express outrage at the announcement of permits for Palestinian Arab construction as a gesture to welcome President Biden. Regavim: “This is a fatal blow to Jewish settlement and to Israeli democracy.” […]

Canadian army helping the Palestinian takeover of Judea & Samaria?

In recent weeks, we’ve noticed a delegation of senior Canadian military personnel that has been patrolling in uniform in Area C, including at an illegal structure in the South Hebron Hills region. The delegation was also hosted by the IDF’s Central Command General Yehuda Fuchs, meaning that its presence in the area is known to […]

Israel’s Security and Sovereignty: Not For Sale!

Don’t sell us out!Israel’s security and sovereignty aren’t bargaining chips! President Biden: Don’t exploit Israel’s unstable political landscape to extract historic concessions from an interim government that may be tempted to pay an enormously high price to shore up their election prospects. Prime Minister Lapid: Don’t sell out our national interests for photo-ops with visitng […]

“Masafer Yatta”: Fact and Fiction

The Masafer Yatta case illustrates how leftist propaganda manipulates the kind hearts and good intentions of people in Israel and around the world. It’s a whale of a tale that has enabled anti-Israel organizations, foreign governments and the Palestinian Authority to turn run-of-the mill illegal construction into a massive international issue. It also illustrates that […]

High Court to Decide: Who Will Pay for the Cleanup?

After a seemingly endless stream of correspondence and complaints by Regavim, the Civil Administration cleared an illegal garbage dump in the Binyamin region. But the Regavim Movement discovered that the dumping site was cleared and rehabilitated at the expense of the Israeli taxpayer, and not a single one of the criminals arrested for dumping the […]

Emergency Regulations Cannot Replace National Policy

The Emergency Regulations Law in Judea and Samaria was passed today by the government, but still needs to be brought back to the Knesset plenum. This ongoing saga exposes the decades-long failure of Israeli governments to formulate policy for Judea and Samaria. Last week, the Knesset plenum voted down what has been a standard piece […]

Enough is enough! Gantz – end 54 years of anti-Jewish discrimination!

The Regavim Movement’s recent High Court of Justice petition targeting Defense Minister Benny Gantz’s refusal to revoke an anti-Jewish law still in force in Judea and Samaria is approaching the next stage, and Regavim has released a video highlighting the issue. “The situation is so ridiculous, it’s difficult to explain how it has continued for […]

After two decades: High Court finally stops believing Fake News

Last weekend, Israel’s High Court of Justice (HCJ) handed down a decision on a petition that’s been pending for two decades. The High Court allowed for hundreds of Palestinian invaders to be evicted from Training Ground 918, an IDF training zone in the South Hebron Hills region. The complicated case has been discussed in the […]

“We were like dreamers”: 74 years of the State of Israel

Dear Friends and Partners, Israel’s Independence Day, Yom HaAtzmaut, is a day of celebration – although every day, for 74 years now, we’re thankful for the Jewish and independent State of Israel. The three weeks between Pesach and Yom HaAtzmaut are days of remembrance, renewal and national rebirth. These three weeks thread together the Exodus […]

Regavim’s car attacked during field tour with “Shrinking the Conflict”

Yesterday, after a field tour with the “Shrinking the Conflict” organization, we found our car with a shattered windshield, a broken door, and a huge rock left on the road. Ironic, no? As part of a tour that focused on environmental issues, we stopped near Route 465 in the Binyamin Region to get a closer […]

Regavim salutes “Green Now”: Gov’t to issue tender for Ofra Wastewater Treatment Facility

After 14 years, Israeli government to issue tender for the Ofra Wastewater Treatment Facility Important environmental protection victory: A “Green Now” petition has resulted in an announcement by the state that it will issue a tender for bids to operate a wastewater treatment plant serving Ofra and adjacent Arab villages – 14 years after construction […]

High Court: gov. must move toward conclusion on Khan al Ahmar

High Court issues conditional order: We are forced to move toward a conclusion in the matter of Khan al Ahmar This evening (Sunday) the High Court of Justice issued a conditional order in the most recent round of the Khan al Ahmar case. Tonight’s order, giving the government 120 days to explain its failure to […]

State asks court for 30-day delay on Khan al-Ahmar

Israeli government asks High Court for an additional 30 days in the Khan al Ahmar case “due to the Prime Minister’s intensive involvement in the military crisis in Europe.” Regavim: “We may petition for a summary judgement.” This evening (Tuesday) the state’s attorney requested an additional 30-day extension, in order to enable “the most senior […]

High Court issues order nisi against Gantz regarding racist law

Responding to a petition filed by the Regavim Movement, Israel’s High Court of Justice (HCJ) issued a preliminary injunction against Defense Minister Benny Gantz, who has refused to repeal the Jordanian law still in force in Judea and Samaria prohibiting the sale of land to Jews – despite the recommendations of previous ministers and Ministry […]

Regavim: Government’s evacuation plan is ‘Fake al-Ahmar’

Regavim first petitioned the High Court of Justice over a decade ago for the evacuation of Khan al Ahmar, the illegal squatters’ camp encroaching on Route 1 and the Jewish community of Kfar Adumim. This evening, Amit Segal reported on Channel 12 News that the Bennett-Lapid government intends to relocate the squatters a mere 300 […]

Regavim letter to Swiss government exposes disregard for international law

Switzerland is a supposedly neutral country that doesn’t take sides in any conflict and remained (or at least claimed to be) neutral during both world wars. Well, it turns out that the “conflict” in Judea and Samaria can tilt even the most neutral forces. A few weeks ago, we sent a letter to the Swiss […]

A Jew and an Arab has stolen your private land? Forget about the rule of law

In November, we posted about dozens of staffing allocations for Civil Administration inspectors supposed to fight the #BattleforAreaC that have been reassigned to other CA tasks. So even in cases where private Jewish lands are seized by Arabs, the authorities are busy with other things. And what about the rule of law? Forget about it. […]

Hang on tight – we’re ready for takeoff!

From the May 2021 Riots through the Electricity Law, from the Palestinian Authority’s de facto annexation of Area C through countless hours of Knesset committee hearings and fieldwork, from countless courtroom appearances through grinding parliamentary policy sessions, from our constant presence on the ground to our incessant efforts to bridge the gaps in law and […]

How the Palestinian Authority cynically uses Bedouin children

Recently, we went on a field tour of the Adumim region (E1) with Tribe Journal to see up close the illegal Arab takeover of the territory. Naomi Kahn, Director of Regavim’s International Division, explained how the Bedouin are being used as pawns by the Palestinian Authority to create facts on the ground, in accordance with […]

Data revealed: Seven new illegal Palestinian structures per day

This morning (Monday), the Knesset Land of Israel Caucus held a hearing focusing on the battle for Judea and Samaria. Meir Deutsch, Director General of the Regavim Movement, shared updated data upon which Regavim based its recently-released precise map of Area C. The satellite mapping project revealed the alarming situation on the ground: From 2019 […]

Defense Ministry admits: apartheid enforcement in Judea & Samaria

We got our hands on the information that we worked so hard to receive, finally. The news is upsetting, but it’s important for everyone to know. Israel’s Ministry of Defense has admitted that it has two different levels of enforcement in Judea and Samaria: one for Jews, and one for Arabs. We’ll let you guess […]

Regavim goes head-to-head with Gantz: “You’re the silver platter of the State of Palestine”

The Regavim Movement issued a scathing rebuttal of Defense Minister Benny Gantz’s statement earlier today comparing the Palestinian Authority’s takeover of land in Judea and Samaria to Israeli land grabs. The written statement by Gantz was issued as an official reply to a parliamentary query submitted by MK Keti Shitrit (Likud) requesting clarification of the […]

A success story in the ongoing #BattleforAreaC

A few months ago, we posted about the Arab invasion of Israeli lands between the Binyamin region and the Jordan Valley, next to the village of Duma. Near the Alon Road, Duma residents began a mass takeover of Israeli state lands: illegal structures, roads, fences, etc. The illegal structures were built a significant distance from […]

Absurd: Palestinian PM blames Israel for environmental pollution

“The PA has zero control over the environment in Judea and Samaria, polluting and suffocating both Israeli and Arab communities,” says Eitan Melet of the Regavim NGO. This article first appeared on World Israel News, by Aryeh Savir The Palestinian Authority’s Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh said Israel’s “colonial settlements and their waste” are “Palestine’s most […]

Mazal tov to us: Palestinians declare Regavim a terrorist organization

Last weekend, Minister of Defense Benny Gantz announced that six Palestinian NGOs have ties with the PFLP. In response, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) designated Regavim and NGO Monitor as terrorist organizations. The PLO called on international bodies to break off all relations with us and NGO Monitor, claiming that our activities are carried out […]

How the Civil Administration aids and abets illegal construction

A new Regavim petition to the High Court of Justice has exposed an illegal internal protocol created by the Civil Administration, an arm of the Ministry of Defense. The very people in charge of enforcement are aiding and encouraging illegal construction! Let’s say theres an illegal structure built by an Arab in Area C, which […]

Israeli gov’t confirms what Regavim exposed: UAWC a terror organization

Regavim: “We exposed the terrorist ties of Palestinian NGOs years ago, and we congratulate Minister of Defense Gantz for his important decision to officially blacklist organizations that have been actively pursuing Israel’s eradication.” In a report released in 2018 entitled “The Roots of Evil,” the Regavim Movement exposed the connection between the Union of Agricultural […]

Success: dangerous, illegal structure near Yakir torn down

We pressed, we demanded, we didn’t give up – and the dangerous structure at Yakir junction was torn down! At the beginning of August, we noticed Arab residents of Judea and Samaria building a structure near the Yakir junction, without the necessary permits. Over the years, shops were built illegally, one after another, next to […]

Swiss government funds illegal school in Gush Etzion; Israel fails to react

In early September, there was a special celebration in the village of Kisan in eastern Gush Etzion in honor of the opening of a new school. But, as we told you before, the school was built without permits by the Palestinian Authority. The construction period was short, and lasted just over a year. As soon […]

Khan al Ahmar issue won’t be solved by further procrastination

Khan al Ahmar: High Court of Justice grants the government an additional delay.  “Compromise attempts have become uncompromising contempt.” The High Court of Justice granted the government an additional six-month delay in the Khan al Ahmar case. Regavim: Kicking the can down the road isn’t the solution, it’s part of the problem. This morning (Wednesday), […]

How Israel has been aiding and abetting illegal Palestinian construction

This article first appeared on the JNS Wire. Through incessant legal and procedural appeals, the PA has upended Israeli law enforcement and set the system against itself, creating facts on the ground and laying the foundations of a Palestinian state in the heart of the land of Israel. It’s no secret that the system of […]

Shana tova from Regavim!

The start of a new year gives us a unique opportunity to thank you for your support, encouragement and partnership. This past year presented a new set of challenges. Lockdowns and social distancing, along with a volatile and exceptionally challenging political environment, forced us to find new, creative solutions in order to continue our important […]

Regavim: Bennett-Lapid government on a dangerous trajectory

The Regavim Movement reacted with concern to the state’s response in the Khan al Ahmar case, which was submitted to the High Court this evening. The government requested an additional six month delay of the deadline to submit its official position to the court in the matter of the illegal outpost on Route 1 slated […]

Illegal school in Gush Etzion: symptomatic of a wider problem

It took a mere 12 months for the Palestinian Authority to build this enormous, impressive, and illegal school in Kisan, eastern Gush Etzion. As soon as construction was underway, we petitioned the Jerusalem District Court – since the Israeli authorities did absolutely nothing to prevent yet another land grab. In response to our petition, the […]

Woke history hits Middle East as Palestinians accused of erasing history

This article appeared first on Fox News Palestinian leaders and their western supporters on the political Left are now re-interpreting biblical history amid a wider expansion of woke activism in the Middle East, critics say. The Palestinian Authority (PA), emboldened by some in Europe and United Nations bodies, are looking to dismantle Judeo-Christian ties to the Holy Land as they seek to […]

A Stop Work Order when work has already been completed

In June, we told our followers on social media about a massive industrial structure that was built illegally next to the village of Kifl Haris in central Samaria. The structure poses a safety threat to drivers on Route 5, the highway that connects the Jordan Valley to Israel’s center and Gush Dan. We approached the […]

Near Yakir: one junction, dozens of illegal structures

Illegal construction has plagued the area of Yakir, an Israeli community in Samaria, and the junction near its entrance. We know about it all too well, as does the Civil Administration. Down the years, shops have been built illegally, one after another, next to the main road, leading to traffic accidents going in and out […]

Our drone was stolen – but there’s a happy ending

Here’s a story that didn’t start off well, but ended with a good deed and a huge smile. Around two weeks ago, an Arab from East Jerusalem broke into the car of our field coordinator Eitan Melet. The thief smashed the window with a massive rock, and stole the drone and other expensive equipment that […]

Our pressure pays off: illegal business complex at Hizma cleared

Yesterday, the Jerusalem Municipality and Israeli security forces tore down the illegal business complex at the north-eastern entrance to Jerusalem. The busy road going into the city can now be widened, which is sure to ease the traffic that drivers have become accustomed to near Hizma. Every day, hundreds of thousands of Jewish and Arab […]

High Court to Government on Khan al Ahmar: Enough is Enough

This afternoon (Wednesday) the High Court of Justice granted the government yet another extension, requiring a response to Regavim’s petition by 5 September 2021 – but stressed that this would be the last time. The most recent round in the Khan al Ahmar case – the sixth petition by the Regavim Movement demanding the evacuation […]

A “change government”?

Following Foreign Minister Yair Lapid’s announcement today (Sunday) that a formal request has been made to postpone the evacuation of Khan al Ahmar, Regavim calls upon Prime Minister Bennett: Pull yourself together and demonstrate who is really the head of this government. Evacuate Khan al Ahmar today. Did someone say “government of change?” In all […]

Illegal construction continues while the authorities play ping-pong

We’ve often mentioned the “Order for Demolition of New Structures” – legislation from 2018 that was approved by the High Court in recent rulings. On paper, the legislation empowers the demolition of new, illegal structures in Judea and Samaria within 96 hours. However, since the legislation was passed, the Civil Administration has rarely used the […]

Khirbet Humsa: The Truth

When you repeat a lie so many times, it becomes the accepted truth. That’s a tactic the international media and left-wing NGOs have been implementing in the last few days. They’ve been making a lot of noise about a Bedouin ‘village’ in the Jordan Valley that was torn down by Israel — again. For the […]

With legal procedures exhausted, Regavim demands: protect the Herodion!

For over three years, Regavim has been involved in a legal battle over an illegal school built right next to the Herodion, probably one of Israel’s most important historical sites.   Back in 2018, we petitioned the High Court of Justice against the Civil Administration as the new school was allowed to spring up without […]

Only after Regavim’s High Court petition: demolition of illegal structure at archaeological site

Following a petition we filed to the High Court of Justice against the Civil Administration, an illegal structure at an archaeological site in Samaria was removed. The CA was also charged with the expenses of the legal process. A few months ago, we noticed an Arab invasion of Israeli state land at Khirbet Khurkosh, an […]

Something is Sinking, and It’s Not Just the Dead Sea

Fake News and Antisemitism in European and World Media A recently-aired episode of  ABC Australia’s ‘Foreign Correspondent’ program titled ‘The Sinking Sea‘ presented visually stunning images that conveyed a sense of loss for a major geographic feature of the Middle Eastern landscape. The video documentary by Eric Tlozek, outgoing ABC Middle East correspondent, focusee on the […]

Regavim unfairly hit with ₪10,000 fine imposed by Court

We’ve been in the business of protecting Israel’s land resources for many years, but this episode is something we’ve never encountered before. In one of our recent legal cases, the Jerusalem District Court accepted the Civil Administration’s narrative, despite its neglectful conduct, and decided to hit Regavim with a 10,000 shekels fine! Let’s start from […]

#BattleforAreaC in numbers

We often discuss the issue of the illegal takeover of Area C, the area of Judea and Samaria under Israeli jurisdiction. Let’s break it down into numbers. Illegal Palestinian structures, built in Area C without permits:2009: 29,7842018: 58,4352020: 65,572 According to official data, every year the Civil Administration tears down between 200-250 structures. So even […]

High Court of Justice petition: stop illegal takeover of Gush Etzion

Regavim petitions High Court of Justice: Apply the enforcement tools legislated in 2018 against new Palestinian Authority de facto annexation in Gush Etzion region of Area C. Following the Regavim Movement’s urgent requests to the Ministry of Defense to halt further progress on an illegal road being paved by the Palestinian Authority in a strategic […]

More EU dishonesty exposed

In early May, we posted about the Shin Bet’s confirmation that millions of euros were donated to Palestinian terror organizations under the guise of “humanitarian aid” by the EU. Now, in another dramatic story, the Jerusalem Post’s Lahav Harkov has exposed that the European Union hid a study that noted widespread antisemitic incitement in Palestinian […]

Illegal ‘Central Bus Station’ cleared

Recently, we exposed, along with journalist Lia Spilkin that a huge number of old Egged buses were sold to an illegal junkyard. Since the operation of the junkyard was carried out without supervision, ignoring all regulations and requirements, the environmental damage was huge, and old vehicle parts found their way onto the black market. Egged […]

Photo contest: my beautiful Israel

Announcing Regavim’s Photo Contest: My Beautiful IsraelShare, enjoy – and WIN FABULOUS PRIZES! Summer is here, and the time to enjoy Israel’s beautiful landscapes – either live or virtually – is NOW! We invite you to upload your best photo of an Israeli landscape here by 8 Tamuz (18 June) and join the competition. We’ll […]

Response to EU claim that it’s an honest broker in Israel-Palestinian arena

Recently we were hosted by The Israel Connexion on J-AIR Community Radio to discuss EU-Israel relations, together with Peter Stano, spokesperson for the European External Action Service – EEAS. Mr Stano reiterated the EU’s official position that supports a two-state ‘solution’ through bilateral negotiations. He also claimed that the European Union is not engaged in […]

Shin Bet confirms: EU “humanitarian” funding diverted to terrorism

Shin Bet, together with the IDF and Israel Police, has exposed what Regavim has been shouting for ages. Under the guise of “humanitarian aid”, millions of euros that are donated to the People’s Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) actually fund terrorist activities. For years, we’ve been sounding the alarm bells about the direct […]

Regavim petitions High Court of Justice: Remove Palestinian encroachment from state land near Ariel

The State of Israel enacted an effective enforcement order to fight the Palestinian takeover of Judea and Samaria, but the Civil Administration has refrained from using it – despite the approval of the High Court of Justice. Now, the Regavim Movement and the Samaria Regional Council have submitted a High Court petition demanding that the […]

How the Palestinian Authority connects illegal outposts in Area C to villages in Area B

The Squatters’ Highway: How the PA connects illegal encampments in Area C to the villages of Area B The Palestinian Authority has blazed a new illegal trail through the Jordan Valley, connecting the towns of Taysir and Tubas in Area B to its network of illegal outposts in Area C. Regavim: “The Palestinian Authority continues […]

Earth Day 2021 overshadowed by illegal junkyards

In the last few years, the industry of illegal junkyards has grown, turning into a serious, widespread, national problem. Criminals view the illegal disposal of waste as worthwhile and profitable, and too often they manage to escape punishment. Removal contractors “save” the costs of properly dealing with waste at licensed landfill sites by simply offloading […]

EU-funded school in the Jordan Valley: part of Palestinian annexation

Under the radar: Palestinian Authority builds a new illegal school in a Jordan Valley nature reserve Over the past several weeks, the Palestinian Authority built a new illegal school at Hamam al Maliakh, in the Bazak Nature Reserve in the Jordan Valley. Regavim: “The PA builds, the EU funds, and the State of Israel ignores.” […]

PA ‘celebrated’ Passover with illegal construction blitz in Area C

The Palestinian Authority (PA) took advantage of the Passover holiday recess for large-scale illegal construction, including sites already under court-issued work-stop orders. Regavim: “This pattern repeats itself over each holiday, and the Israeli authorities continue to do nothing to prevent it.” While Israelis enjoyed the week-long Passover holiday, the PA used the Civil Administration’s vacation […]

Who’s providing illegal construction in Area C?

Freedom of Information Petition: Who is providing electricity to illegal Palestinian construction? The Regavim Movement has petitioned the Jerusalem District Court, after the Civil Administration refused to provide data on the extent of electricity connections apparently supplied by the East Jerusalem Electric Company, an Israeli subsidiary of the Israel Electric Company which is subject to […]

Another win for Regavim: Bir Zeit junkyard cleared

As a result of our petition, a massive junkyard that was blighting the countryside and polluting the groundwater in the Binyamin region was cleared. Countless wrecks had been piling up for years at an illegal automotive scrapyard near Bir Zeit, polluting topsoil and groundwater with untreated effluents and automotive waste. About eight months ago, we […]

A 3-minute activity blast: Regavim’s activities in 2020

Let the numbers do the talking. Here’s what we accomplished in the last year: 205 Field tour days 51 New case files 18 Lectures and webinars 20 Knesset hearings 9 New legal petitions 31 Tours for Members of Knesset and Ministers 32 Tours for journalists And one homeland which we will continue to protect – […]

“Khirbet Humsa”: the truth

There’s been a tremendous amount of “chatter” recently – including governments condemning Israel and members of the US Congress referring to “ethnic cleansing” and serious crimes” committed by Israel in the case of Khurbet Humsa. Although Regavim was not involved in this case, here are some facts to give you a more accurate picture of […]

Debunking the lies about Training Ground 918

This week, the IDF held a military exercise that began in the Negev in Biq’at Arad and ended in Training Ground 918 in the South Hebron Hills. Shouldn’t be much of a big deal, right? Well, far-left organizations such as B’Tselem pounced on this opportunity to attack the IDF, claiming that the drills were held […]

Mt. Trashmore: A permanent fixture in Binyamin?

At the largest illegal dump in Judea and Samaria, untreated waste continues to pollute the entire ecosystem – and no indictments are in sight. Under cover of the first corona shutdown, the Ramallah Municipality dumped thousands of truckloads of untreated refuse into an abandoned quarry at the headwaters of Nahal Makoch. The Civil Administration admits: […]

Regavim celebrates 15 years of Zionist activism

Mazal tov to Regavim! We’re celebrating 15 years of Zionist activism. This evening, we begin the festival of Tu B’Shvat, which coincides with the 15th anniversary of Regavim. Tu B’Shvat is the day on which the People of Israel celebrate the Land of Israel and the rebirth of its natural beauty. Over the last 15 […]

Palestinian Tu B’Shvat celebrations in full bloom – near Rosh HaAyin

Yesterday (Sunday 24 January), the Palestinian Authority planted thousands of trees on Israeli state land, in an IDF firing zone. Participating in the event were armed Palestinian Police. Regavim: “While they’re establishing facts on the ground, the Israeli authorities are in winter hibernation.” The Palestinian Authority held a ceremony yesterday (Sunday), planting some 2000 olive […]

Dramatic drop in Israeli public’s trust in High Court of Justice

Yesterday (January 11), a new poll was published by the Israel Democracy Institute reflecting a dramatic drop in the Israeli public’s trust in its government systems. One glaring finding shows that only 42% of the public express trust in the High Court of Justice, Israel’s highest court. To bring this problem into clear focus, it’s […]

Time to put an end to legislated racism

If you were asked to name a country where there is still a law in force that prohibits Jews from buying property, you might be tempted to make an educated guess based on the dark history of Europe and the long tradition of expulsion and persecution that was facilitated by anti-Jewish legislation over centuries. Places […]

State given additional extension to update court on failure to evacuate Khan Al-Ahmar

The High Court of Justice on Sunday (30 November) granted the state can another additional extension and postponed proceedings regarding the evacuation of the illegal Arab outpost of Khan al Ahmar until July 2021. In it seventh hearing on Khan al Ahmar following a petition submitted by the Regavim Movement, the court granted the state […]

600 PA employees engaged in land registration of Area C

Brigadier General Ghassan Alian, Commander of the IDF’s Civil Administration, said at a hearing in the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee that the Palestinian Authority (PA) employs hundreds of people to register real estate in Judea and Samaria – including in Area C, which is under full Israeli control, while the Civil Administration has only […]

Schools and the #BattleforAreaC

In 2009, then-Prime Minister Salaam Fayyad unveiled his plan for the creation of a Palestinian state. Ever since, driven by European funding and the cynical use of the most vulnerable members of society as pawns, the PA has illegally created facts on the ground. While the Israeli government has failed to meet this challenge, the PA […]

Illegal Palestinian school built overnight in Jordan Valley

One more illegal school joins the rapidly growing roster of similar structures built by the Palestinian Authority at lightning speed. The newest to join the ranks is an illegal school built overnight – literally – in the Jordan Valley. Regavim, meanwhile, is clear about the problem: “While the Israeli government chatters about sovereignty in the […]

Palestinians seized 30% of Israeli land in Judea & Samaria

The Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee has been told that the Palestinians have taken over large swaths of Israeli-controlled land in Judea and Samaria while authorities dither on what action to take, Makor Rishon reported Monday. Testifying before the committee, a representative of the pro-settlement Regavim presented mapping data they collected that does not correspond to […]

It’s the largest quarry in Israel – and it’s illegal

The Regavim Movement recently petitioned the Jerusalem District Court against the continued operation of the Beit Fajar quarry in eastern Gush Etzion. The quarry currently spans some 1,500 dunams (1.5 km2) – hundreds of dunams of which are registered state land – and continues to cause irreversible ecological and environmental damage. Approximately one third of […]

How the PA builds on Israeli nature reserves

Many people submitted a petition in the Jerusalem District Court Wednesday against the Palestinian Authority, which built an illegal school within the Nahal Mahoch Nature Reserve, on state land. The petition was filed in parallel with Defense Minister Naftali Bennett’s announcement this morning that he would create seven new nature reserves in Judea and Samaria. The site […]

Khan al-Ahmar: The gift that keeps on giving

For 10 years, the illegal Bedouin outpost of Khan al-Ahmar has been undermining Israel’s rule of law, making a mockery of Israeli sovereignty, enabling the Palestinian Authority to carry out the Fayyad Plan for the establishment of a de facto state on Israeli-controlled sections of Judea and Samaria and galvanizing a coalition of anti-Israel NGOs […]

Arab City Growing in the Judean Desert – on IDF Training Ground 917

The State admits: Illegal construction for Arabs was whitewashed– but policy has changed In the course of a High Court of Justice hearing on  Regavim’s petition against the illegal Arab city growing in the Judean Desert, the State’s attorney admitted that in the past Arabs had been allowed to build without permits or planning approval. […]

Illegal and dangerous: construction in IDF Training Grounds 917 & 918

IDF Firing Zones 917 and 918 are situated in a strategic area in the South Hebron Hills, a region that connects Israel’s eastern flank to the Negev and the Dead Sea. For the past few years, a massive take-over of land in this area has been underway, and we at Regavim have made a major […]

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