In The Media

A selection of articles, op-eds and other items featuring Regavim from various media outlets

No Justice for Murder in the West Bank

Wall Street Journal

Officers by day, terrorists by night: PA figures ‘supplementing’ income


Israel losing land, sovereignty, identity to illegal Palestinian construction

The Washington Times

Palestinian Police Forces Accused of Encouraging Terror Under Guise of Oslo Accords

The New York Sun

A ‘Revitalized’ Palestinian Authority?

Wall Street Journal

REPORT: EU helping PA set up for Oct 7 assault on Judea and Samaria

Israel 365 new

‘Surge in illegal Arab building along Green Line a security threat’


Haciendo caso omiso de las órdenes del ministro, las FDI destruyen hogares judíos en Gush Etzion

ICJ to kick off hearings in ‘genocide’ case against Israel

Israel Today

‘Surge in illegal Arab building along Green Line a security threat’


Israelis should demand their gov’t shake off the self-delusional reverie of peace with the PA

The Jerusalem Post

Failed security concepts are alive and kicking in Judea and Samaria.

Israel National News – Arutz Sheva

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