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Regavim: Protecting Israel’s Resources, Preserving Israeli Sovereignty

Regavim is a public NGO dedicated to the protection of Israel’s national resources and environment. Our focus begins with Israel’s most precious and scarce resources: land reserves, water, air quality, and more.

Working from the ground up –  quite literally – to promote “best practices” for land use policy in the State of Israel, Regavim is active in Israel’s public, parliamentary, and legal spheres. Through publication of articles, research reports, and position papers, as well as through legal and legislative action, Regavim’s goal is to restore the Zionist vision to its rightful place in Israel’s public discourse and public policy. 

Regavim is the only organization that deals with land use policy throughout all of Israel. We are the only organization that uses the detailed information we collect to formulate comprehensive policy that promotes a Zionist vision for Israel’s future. 

Our aim is not only to educate but to energize, to spark broad public awareness and engagement, and to empower our elected representatives to take the steps necessary to insure that our children and grandchildren inherit a healthy, thriving Jewish homeland.

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