Environmental abuse

A day of celebration for governance and environmental protection

Regavim congratulates the government of Israel: We welcome the decisions announced by the Cabinet last night (Thursday), a series of steps that will strengthen Jewish communities and governance in Judea and Samaria and shore up Israel’s stance against those who seek to harm the Jewish State. Alongside approval of five Jewish communities in Judea and […]

Beit Fajjar quarry: Judge gives State 60 days to do homework

“Have any of you ever been to the quarry?” – that’s what the judge asked the State representatives in last week’s District Court hearing in the case of the Beit Fajjar quarry. The Beit Fajjar quarry, located in east Gush Etzion and mainly in Area C, is the largest illegal quarry in the country, spreading […]

Gas prices going up? Not for everyone

While the cost to fill up your car continues to rise, there are those living in a parallel universe – in Bedouistan. For many years, Regavim has been sounding the alarm bells about the phenomenon of dozens of illegal gas stations that are scattered throughout the Negev. Even when Police forces manage to shut one […]

High Court to Decide: Who Will Pay for the Cleanup?

After a seemingly endless stream of correspondence and complaints by Regavim, the Civil Administration cleared an illegal garbage dump in the Binyamin region. But the Regavim Movement discovered that the dumping site was cleared and rehabilitated at the expense of the Israeli taxpayer, and not a single one of the criminals arrested for dumping the […]

Regavim salutes “Green Now”: Gov’t to issue tender for Ofra Wastewater Treatment Facility

After 14 years, Israeli government to issue tender for the Ofra Wastewater Treatment Facility Important environmental protection victory: A “Green Now” petition has resulted in an announcement by the state that it will issue a tender for bids to operate a wastewater treatment plant serving Ofra and adjacent Arab villages – 14 years after construction […]

Illegal Beit Fajjar quarry chips away at ancient aqueduct

The illegal Palestinian quarry in Beit Fajjar has damaged around two kilometers of the ancient aqueduct that runs between Gush Etzion and Jerusalem. The aqueduct, which dates back some 2,000 years to the time of the Second Temple is considered a marvel of engineering, as it twists and turns for a distance of some 40 […]

Absurd: Palestinian PM blames Israel for environmental pollution

“The PA has zero control over the environment in Judea and Samaria, polluting and suffocating both Israeli and Arab communities,” says Eitan Melet of the Regavim NGO. This article first appeared on World Israel News, by Aryeh Savir The Palestinian Authority’s Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh said Israel’s “colonial settlements and their waste” are “Palestine’s most […]

Illegal ‘Central Bus Station’ cleared

Recently, we exposed, along with journalist Lia Spilkin that a huge number of old Egged buses were sold to an illegal junkyard. Since the operation of the junkyard was carried out without supervision, ignoring all regulations and requirements, the environmental damage was huge, and old vehicle parts found their way onto the black market. Egged […]

Earth Day 2021 overshadowed by illegal junkyards

In the last few years, the industry of illegal junkyards has grown, turning into a serious, widespread, national problem. Criminals view the illegal disposal of waste as worthwhile and profitable, and too often they manage to escape punishment. Removal contractors “save” the costs of properly dealing with waste at licensed landfill sites by simply offloading […]

Another win for Regavim: Bir Zeit junkyard cleared

As a result of our petition, a massive junkyard that was blighting the countryside and polluting the groundwater in the Binyamin region was cleared. Countless wrecks had been piling up for years at an illegal automotive scrapyard near Bir Zeit, polluting topsoil and groundwater with untreated effluents and automotive waste. About eight months ago, we […]

Mt. Trashmore: A permanent fixture in Binyamin?

At the largest illegal dump in Judea and Samaria, untreated waste continues to pollute the entire ecosystem – and no indictments are in sight. Under cover of the first corona shutdown, the Ramallah Municipality dumped thousands of truckloads of untreated refuse into an abandoned quarry at the headwaters of Nahal Makoch. The Civil Administration admits: […]

Under our noses, the illegal Kfar Kassem Commercial Zone

In the last few years, in central Israel, next to Kfar Kassem and on lands zoned for agricultural use, an enormous commercial zone has popped up illegally. With massive warehouses, garages, stores, factories, and sprawling over more than 2000 dunams, the commercial zone is the largest illegal one in Israel. What’s so problematic about the […]

MK Ofer Cassif’s crocodile tears are also green

The sad truth is that Cassif’s objections have very little to do with ecology and environmental protection, and everything to do with a scorched-earth policy of anti-normalization in the West Bank. A recent Knesset hearing on the proposed Sha’ar Shomron Commercial Centre was an invaluable lesson in Israeli politics and its ills. MK Ofer Cassif […]

It’s the largest quarry in Israel – and it’s illegal

The Regavim Movement recently petitioned the Jerusalem District Court against the continued operation of the Beit Fajar quarry in eastern Gush Etzion. The quarry currently spans some 1,500 dunams (1.5 km2) – hundreds of dunams of which are registered state land – and continues to cause irreversible ecological and environmental damage. Approximately one third of […]

Palestinian Authority make ecological assault on Nahal Alexander

In response to Regavim’s complaint over new environmental hazards in Nahal Alexander, the Ministry of Environmental Protection has placed the blame elsewhere. Nahal Alexander, which flows from the western side of the Samaria mountain belt through the Sharon area and into the Mediterranean Sea, has been plagued by an ecological disaster — mainly due to […]

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