Results Found 207 results were found

Beit Fajjar quarry: Judge gives State 60 days to do homework


“Have any of you ever been to the quarry?” – that’s what the judge asked the State representatives in last week’s District Court hearing in the case of the Beit Fajjar quarry. The Beit Fajjar quarry, located in east Gush Etzion and mainly in Area C, is the largest illegal quarry in the country, spreading […]

Exclusive New Housing Development for Terrorists Only


In the heart of the Land of Israel, an exclusive new housing project is underway. To qualify for this prime location you must have Jewish blood on your hands: Eligibility is for those who have served a minimum 5-year prison sentence in an Israeli security prison. Recently, work began on a new neighborhood of 100 […]

“Reasonableness” and the High Court of Justice


In the case of Jordanian Law #40, the racist law still in force that prevents individual Jews from buying land in Judea and Samaria, the High Court of Justice claimed that there is no justifiable reason to intervene. When Regavim petitioned against the law, the High Court judges sent us to the legislator. However, in […]

Regavim warns Knesset: PA creating land bridge through illegal building in Samaria


In a hearing of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on the repeal of the Disengagement Law, Avraham Binyamin last week, Director of Regavim’s Policy Division, presented documentation of massive illegal Palestinian construction in northern Samaria in general, and particularly on the ruins of the Ganim, Kadim and Sa-Noor communities that were de-populated as part […]

Judicial Reform – Resource Page


A selection of sources in English explaining and defending the proposed judicial reforms in Israel: A short explanation on how the judicial reforms in progress will address the anomalies of the Israeli system and bring Israel closer to the rest of the Western democracies. Video produced by the Kohelet Forum. ** In Regavim’s 2018 “Measure […]

“A Moment of Truth:” Edelstein and Danon at Khan al Ahmar


This morning (Monday), Likud MKs Danny Danon and Yoel (Yuli) Edelstein joined the Regvaim Movement and the Jerusalem Environs Forum – and faced by a pro-Palestinian demonstration. Regavim: “The question isn’t whether or not, but how and when the outpost will be evacuated.” The deadline for the state’s response in the Khan al Ahmar case […]

Gas prices going up? Not for everyone


While the cost to fill up your car continues to rise, there are those living in a parallel universe – in Bedouistan. For many years, Regavim has been sounding the alarm bells about the phenomenon of dozens of illegal gas stations that are scattered throughout the Negev. Even when Police forces manage to shut one […]

The Sde Boker Initiative: a vision for the Negev 2050


To mark the 49th anniversary of the passing of David Ben-Gurion, we launched our “Sde Boker Initiative.” This comprehensive roadmap for the future of the Negev is the result of 16 years of fieldwork, analysis, legal research and activism that have enabled us to formulate a vision for the future, looking ahead to 2050 through the […]

You won’t silence us!


Naomi Kahn, Regavim’s International Director, was in Toronto for a speaking tour last week, and met hundreds of people from the local Jewish community to discuss issues such as governance and sovereignty in the Negev and in Judea and Samaria, and about Regavim’s activities in general. Naomi also encountered hostile, anti-Israel organizations and BDS activists […]

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