Results Found 207 results were found

Something is Sinking, and It’s Not Just the Dead Sea


Fake News and Antisemitism in European and World Media A recently-aired episode of  ABC Australia’s ‘Foreign Correspondent’ program titled ‘The Sinking Sea‘ presented visually stunning images that conveyed a sense of loss for a major geographic feature of the Middle Eastern landscape. The video documentary by Eric Tlozek, outgoing ABC Middle East correspondent, focusee on the […]

#BattleforAreaC in numbers


We often discuss the issue of the illegal takeover of Area C, the area of Judea and Samaria under Israeli jurisdiction. Let’s break it down into numbers. Illegal Palestinian structures, built in Area C without permits:2009: 29,7842018: 58,4352020: 65,572 According to official data, every year the Civil Administration tears down between 200-250 structures. So even […]

High Court of Justice petition: stop illegal takeover of Gush Etzion


Regavim petitions High Court of Justice: Apply the enforcement tools legislated in 2018 against new Palestinian Authority de facto annexation in Gush Etzion region of Area C. Following the Regavim Movement’s urgent requests to the Ministry of Defense to halt further progress on an illegal road being paved by the Palestinian Authority in a strategic […]

Regavim’s quick intervention prevents Negev land grab


A resident of Kuseife, a legal Bedouin town in the Negev founded in 1982, decided to expand his assets, and illegally took over land part of the unrecognized Al-Fura squatters’ camp. A few months ago, the resident, who already owns a big villa in Kuseife, began to build a huge compound containing two living spaces. […]

Voting for Photo Contest


Regavim’s Photo Contest has reached its voting stage! Between 22 June – 3 July 2021, you’re invited to cast your vote for the best photo! How to vote? Have a look through all the beautiful photos that were sent in, then vote via the Google form here or at the bottom of the page! The […]

Imam of incitement – in custody


Youssef Albaz, the Imam of Lod, was taken into police custody last night and is being questioned under suspicion of incitement to commit acts of terrorism and violence. The Regavim Movement filed an official complaint earlier this month, including detailed documentation of Albaz’s inflammatory, racist pronouncements and his explicit calls to his followers to commit […]

More EU dishonesty exposed


In early May, we posted about the Shin Bet’s confirmation that millions of euros were donated to Palestinian terror organizations under the guise of “humanitarian aid” by the EU. Now, in another dramatic story, the Jerusalem Post’s Lahav Harkov has exposed that the European Union hid a study that noted widespread antisemitic incitement in Palestinian […]

Illegal ‘Central Bus Station’ cleared


Recently, we exposed, along with journalist Lia Spilkin that a huge number of old Egged buses were sold to an illegal junkyard. Since the operation of the junkyard was carried out without supervision, ignoring all regulations and requirements, the environmental damage was huge, and old vehicle parts found their way onto the black market. Egged […]

Coalition agreements abandon the Negev


The details of the coalition agreements publicized in the media yesterday evening (7 June) reveal that Bennett and Saar, who blamed Netanyahu for the failure of governance in the Negev, are not only failing to provide solutions – they are exacerbating the problem. Aside from approving the whitewashing of thousands of illegal structures on about […]

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