Results Found 34 results were found

“Reasonableness” and the High Court of Justice


In the case of Jordanian Law #40, the racist law still in force that prevents individual Jews from buying land in Judea and Samaria, the High Court of Justice claimed that there is no justifiable reason to intervene. When Regavim petitioned against the law, the High Court judges sent us to the legislator. However, in […]

Judicial Reform – Resource Page


A selection of sources in English explaining and defending the proposed judicial reforms in Israel: A short explanation on how the judicial reforms in progress will address the anomalies of the Israeli system and bring Israel closer to the rest of the Western democracies. Video produced by the Kohelet Forum. ** In Regavim’s 2018 “Measure […]

Rate of illegal Palestinian construction in Area C increased by 80% in 2022


A report released by the Regavim Movement reveals that in 2022, illegal Palestinian construction in Area C, the portion of Judea and Samaria under full Israeli jurisdiction, increased by 80%. The report documents 5535 new illegal structures built in 2022, compared to 3076 structures in the same period in 2021. Regavim: “The Israeli government is […]

Preview: “The Vanishing Negev” report


Our most recent report, currently being translated into English, is an in-depth, up-to-date study of land use policy in the Negev, offering a comprehensive survey of the history and land ownership claims of the Negev Bedouin community, settlement and regulation efforts and the current realities created by illegal construction and more. This report offers multi-disciplinary […]

Israel’s Security and Sovereignty: Not For Sale!


Don’t sell us out!Israel’s security and sovereignty aren’t bargaining chips! President Biden: Don’t exploit Israel’s unstable political landscape to extract historic concessions from an interim government that may be tempted to pay an enormously high price to shore up their election prospects. Prime Minister Lapid: Don’t sell out our national interests for photo-ops with visitng […]



A state-within-a-state has taken shape in southern Israel: Bedouistan, the lawless state of the Negev. Order the book here. Astonishing quantities of illegal weapons, land-grabs, water and electricity theft, drug trafficking and marijuana plantations on IDF firing zones, agricultural terrorism, protection rackets, home invasions, theft and armed robbery – all this and more make up […]

Illegal Beit Fajjar quarry chips away at ancient aqueduct


The illegal Palestinian quarry in Beit Fajjar has damaged around two kilometers of the ancient aqueduct that runs between Gush Etzion and Jerusalem. The aqueduct, which dates back some 2,000 years to the time of the Second Temple is considered a marvel of engineering, as it twists and turns for a distance of some 40 […]

Defense Ministry admits: apartheid enforcement in Judea & Samaria


We got our hands on the information that we worked so hard to receive, finally. The news is upsetting, but it’s important for everyone to know. Israel’s Ministry of Defense has admitted that it has two different levels of enforcement in Judea and Samaria: one for Jews, and one for Arabs. We’ll let you guess […]

Battling in the Knesset to save the Negev


Today, we participated in an emergency meeting organized by the Land of Israel Caucus in the Knesset to demand security and safety for the Negev. Meir Deutsch, Regavim’s Director General, spoke to the Members of Knesset about the Negev predicament, and explained why Bedouin settlements that have been legalized are, in effect, still squatter camps. […]

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