Results Found 207 results were found

Regavim successfully protects agricultural lands near Moshav Nevatim


Earlier this year, a Bedouin man invaded into agricultural lands that belong to the Moshav Nevatim, appropriated a piece of land for himself, and put up an illegal hut. The hut was small, but its impact was huge: the intruder decided to stay there and prevent the Moshav’s workers from entering their fields to work […]

A perversion of justice: one rule for Jewish homes, another for Bedouins


Israel’s High Court of Justice denies appeal of landowners whose property has been overtaken by thousands of Bedouin squatters: “This case does not justify judicial interference.” After a decade of legal proceedings, yesterday (Monday) Israel’s High Court of Justice denied an appeal by owners of private property who sought a court-mandated deadline for the removal […]

Bedouin bandits infiltrate IAF base at Nevatim


Ignoring a small problem allows it to turn into a big problem. Last night’s case in point:Bedouin bandits infiltrated the Israel Air Force base at Nevatim; IAF helicopters engaged in an hours-long chase. The State of Israel has been ignoring the cracks in law and order in the Negev for so long, they’ve become a […]

“Khirbet Humsa”: the truth


There’s been a tremendous amount of “chatter” recently – including governments condemning Israel and members of the US Congress referring to “ethnic cleansing” and serious crimes” committed by Israel in the case of Khurbet Humsa. Although Regavim was not involved in this case, here are some facts to give you a more accurate picture of […]

Mt. Trashmore: A permanent fixture in Binyamin?


At the largest illegal dump in Judea and Samaria, untreated waste continues to pollute the entire ecosystem – and no indictments are in sight. Under cover of the first corona shutdown, the Ramallah Municipality dumped thousands of truckloads of untreated refuse into an abandoned quarry at the headwaters of Nahal Makoch. The Civil Administration admits: […]

Regavim applauds Police efforts to eradicate organized crime


Following last night’s events in Tamra, an Arab town in northern Israel, the Regavim Movement applauds the decisive law enforcement activity by the Israel Police and calls on the leaders of the Israeli-Arab sector to support Israel Police efforts to eradicate organized crime. In recent weeks, the Israel Police have carried out extensive – and […]

Regavim celebrates 15 years of Zionist activism


Mazal tov to Regavim! We’re celebrating 15 years of Zionist activism. This evening, we begin the festival of Tu B’Shvat, which coincides with the 15th anniversary of Regavim. Tu B’Shvat is the day on which the People of Israel celebrate the Land of Israel and the rebirth of its natural beauty. Over the last 15 […]

Palestinian Tu B’Shvat celebrations in full bloom – near Rosh HaAyin


Yesterday (Sunday 24 January), the Palestinian Authority planted thousands of trees on Israeli state land, in an IDF firing zone. Participating in the event were armed Palestinian Police. Regavim: “While they’re establishing facts on the ground, the Israeli authorities are in winter hibernation.” The Palestinian Authority held a ceremony yesterday (Sunday), planting some 2000 olive […]

Dramatic drop in Israeli public’s trust in High Court of Justice


Yesterday (January 11), a new poll was published by the Israel Democracy Institute reflecting a dramatic drop in the Israeli public’s trust in its government systems. One glaring finding shows that only 42% of the public express trust in the High Court of Justice, Israel’s highest court. To bring this problem into clear focus, it’s […]



Field Division Regavim’s field coordinators keep close tabs on what’s happening on State land throughout the Land of Israel. We investigate and document who’s building what, where, why, with whose permission, and then “connect the dots” to see the big picture, to identify trends and strategic developments. We monitor nature reserves, IDF training grounds, and […]

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