Results Found 207 results were found

Our drone was stolen – but there’s a happy ending


Here’s a story that didn’t start off well, but ended with a good deed and a huge smile. Around two weeks ago, an Arab from East Jerusalem broke into the car of our field coordinator Eitan Melet. The thief smashed the window with a massive rock, and stole the drone and other expensive equipment that […]

Our pressure pays off: illegal business complex at Hizma cleared


Yesterday, the Jerusalem Municipality and Israeli security forces tore down the illegal business complex at the north-eastern entrance to Jerusalem. The busy road going into the city can now be widened, which is sure to ease the traffic that drivers have become accustomed to near Hizma. Every day, hundreds of thousands of Jewish and Arab […]

Regavim: State Comptroller’s report – a red alert for the Negev


The Regavim Movement reacted to the findings of the State Comptroller, released today (Wednesday) in a report focusing on governance in the Negev: “The government can turn the situation in the Negev around – by enacting five practical recommendations that arise from this in-depth and comprehensive report.” Meir Deutsch, Director General of Regavim: “This is […]

Field tour in the Negev for Knesset Land of Israel Caucus


Today (Thursday), we held a field tour in the Negev for Members of Knesset from the Knesset Land of Israel Caucus. We discussed the complex topic of the illegal squatter camps in the Negev and its consequences for the State of Israel. Participants in the field tour included: MKs Yoav Kisch, Orit Strouk, Amir Ohana, […]

High Court to Government on Khan al Ahmar: Enough is Enough


This afternoon (Wednesday) the High Court of Justice granted the government yet another extension, requiring a response to Regavim’s petition by 5 September 2021 – but stressed that this would be the last time. The most recent round in the Khan al Ahmar case – the sixth petition by the Regavim Movement demanding the evacuation […]

A “change government”?


Following Foreign Minister Yair Lapid’s announcement today (Sunday) that a formal request has been made to postpone the evacuation of Khan al Ahmar, Regavim calls upon Prime Minister Bennett: Pull yourself together and demonstrate who is really the head of this government. Evacuate Khan al Ahmar today. Did someone say “government of change?” In all […]

Khirbet Humsa: The Truth


When you repeat a lie so many times, it becomes the accepted truth. That’s a tactic the international media and left-wing NGOs have been implementing in the last few days. They’ve been making a lot of noise about a Bedouin ‘village’ in the Jordan Valley that was torn down by Israel — again. For the […]

With legal procedures exhausted, Regavim demands: protect the Herodion!


For over three years, Regavim has been involved in a legal battle over an illegal school built right next to the Herodion, probably one of Israel’s most important historical sites.   Back in 2018, we petitioned the High Court of Justice against the Civil Administration as the new school was allowed to spring up without […]

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