Results Found 38 results were found

Government barters away the Negev to the Islamic Movement


Regavim: Removing the enforcement chapter from the new Five Year Plan for the Bedouin sector means surrender, and the establishment of Bedouistan in the Negev Enforcement statistics for the past several years are unequivocal: New illegal construction in the Bedouin squatters’ camps is down, and law enforcement is up – significantly, reaching its peak in […]



A state-within-a-state has taken shape in southern Israel: Bedouistan, the lawless state of the Negev. Order the book here. Astonishing quantities of illegal weapons, land-grabs, water and electricity theft, drug trafficking and marijuana plantations on IDF firing zones, agricultural terrorism, protection rackets, home invasions, theft and armed robbery – all this and more make up […]

Government’s new five-year plan shuts down governance in the Negev


This morning, Bedouin lawbreakers herding flocks of thousands of sheep invaded the IDF Tzeelim Base, leading to a confrontation with the Israel Police and the Green Patrol who were called out to remove the intruders from the IDF’s live-ammunition training area. The intruders called in backup of their own – Bedouin residents of the Bir […]

Government caves in once again, fuels next wave of violence


Following the decision to suspend the KKL forestation project in southern Israel, the Regavim Movement decried the government’s capitulation, charging this decision as continued “protection payments” to Mansour Abbas that make the next round of violence and domestic terrorism inevitable. The Raam Party and the Bedouin know full well that they can dictate to the […]

Absurd: Palestinian PM blames Israel for environmental pollution


“The PA has zero control over the environment in Judea and Samaria, polluting and suffocating both Israeli and Arab communities,” says Eitan Melet of the Regavim NGO. This article first appeared on World Israel News, by Aryeh Savir The Palestinian Authority’s Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh said Israel’s “colonial settlements and their waste” are “Palestine’s most […]

Mazal tov to us: Palestinians declare Regavim a terrorist organization


Last weekend, Minister of Defense Benny Gantz announced that six Palestinian NGOs have ties with the PFLP. In response, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) designated Regavim and NGO Monitor as terrorist organizations. The PLO called on international bodies to break off all relations with us and NGO Monitor, claiming that our activities are carried out […]

How the Civil Administration aids and abets illegal construction


A new Regavim petition to the High Court of Justice has exposed an illegal internal protocol created by the Civil Administration, an arm of the Ministry of Defense. The very people in charge of enforcement are aiding and encouraging illegal construction! Let’s say theres an illegal structure built by an Arab in Area C, which […]

Shana tova from Regavim!


The start of a new year gives us a unique opportunity to thank you for your support, encouragement and partnership. This past year presented a new set of challenges. Lockdowns and social distancing, along with a volatile and exceptionally challenging political environment, forced us to find new, creative solutions in order to continue our important […]

Our pressure pays off: illegal business complex at Hizma cleared


Yesterday, the Jerusalem Municipality and Israeli security forces tore down the illegal business complex at the north-eastern entrance to Jerusalem. The busy road going into the city can now be widened, which is sure to ease the traffic that drivers have become accustomed to near Hizma. Every day, hundreds of thousands of Jewish and Arab […]

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