Results Found 34 results were found

Regavim: Bennett-Lapid government on a dangerous trajectory


The Regavim Movement reacted with concern to the state’s response in the Khan al Ahmar case, which was submitted to the High Court this evening. The government requested an additional six month delay of the deadline to submit its official position to the court in the matter of the illegal outpost on Route 1 slated […]

More EU dishonesty exposed


In early May, we posted about the Shin Bet’s confirmation that millions of euros were donated to Palestinian terror organizations under the guise of “humanitarian aid” by the EU. Now, in another dramatic story, the Jerusalem Post’s Lahav Harkov has exposed that the European Union hid a study that noted widespread antisemitic incitement in Palestinian […]

PA ‘celebrated’ Passover with illegal construction blitz in Area C


The Palestinian Authority (PA) took advantage of the Passover holiday recess for large-scale illegal construction, including sites already under court-issued work-stop orders. Regavim: “This pattern repeats itself over each holiday, and the Israeli authorities continue to do nothing to prevent it.” While Israelis enjoyed the week-long Passover holiday, the PA used the Civil Administration’s vacation […]

Regavim celebrates 15 years of Zionist activism


Mazal tov to Regavim! We’re celebrating 15 years of Zionist activism. This evening, we begin the festival of Tu B’Shvat, which coincides with the 15th anniversary of Regavim. Tu B’Shvat is the day on which the People of Israel celebrate the Land of Israel and the rebirth of its natural beauty. Over the last 15 […]

Illegal construction at the UNTSO compound in Jerusalem


Regavim’s petition regarding the UNTSO Compound in Armon HaNatziv continues. In March 2017, Regavim petitioned the Jerusalem Magistrates Court for a temporary injunction requiring the Israeli authorities to issue evacuation and restoration orders against illegal construction at the UNTSO compound in Armon HaNatziv, in southern Jerusalem. This petition was the result of Regavim’s discovery that […]

Polygamy in the Bedouin sector: A ticking time-bomb that nearly exploded


Today (September 7), the Shin Bet security agency announced that it foiled a Hamas bombing attack at Bilu Junction in central Israel. Mahmud Makdad, an Israeli citizen from the Bedouin town of Segev Shalom in the Negev, was apprehended as he attempted to plant an explosive device in a bus stop at the bustling junction. […]

Palestinians seized 30% of Israeli land in Judea & Samaria


The Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee has been told that the Palestinians have taken over large swaths of Israeli-controlled land in Judea and Samaria while authorities dither on what action to take, Makor Rishon reported Monday. Testifying before the committee, a representative of the pro-settlement Regavim presented mapping data they collected that does not correspond to […]

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