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A “change government”?


Following Foreign Minister Yair Lapid’s announcement today (Sunday) that a formal request has been made to postpone the evacuation of Khan al Ahmar, Regavim calls upon Prime Minister Bennett: Pull yourself together and demonstrate who is really the head of this government. Evacuate Khan al Ahmar today. Did someone say “government of change?” In all […]

Illegal construction continues while the authorities play ping-pong


We’ve often mentioned the “Order for Demolition of New Structures” – legislation from 2018 that was approved by the High Court in recent rulings. On paper, the legislation empowers the demolition of new, illegal structures in Judea and Samaria within 96 hours. However, since the legislation was passed, the Civil Administration has rarely used the […]

Khirbet Humsa: The Truth


When you repeat a lie so many times, it becomes the accepted truth. That’s a tactic the international media and left-wing NGOs have been implementing in the last few days. They’ve been making a lot of noise about a Bedouin ‘village’ in the Jordan Valley that was torn down by Israel — again. For the […]

With legal procedures exhausted, Regavim demands: protect the Herodion!


For over three years, Regavim has been involved in a legal battle over an illegal school built right next to the Herodion, probably one of Israel’s most important historical sites.   Back in 2018, we petitioned the High Court of Justice against the Civil Administration as the new school was allowed to spring up without […]

“Khirbet Humsa”: the truth


There’s been a tremendous amount of “chatter” recently – including governments condemning Israel and members of the US Congress referring to “ethnic cleansing” and serious crimes” committed by Israel in the case of Khurbet Humsa. Although Regavim was not involved in this case, here are some facts to give you a more accurate picture of […]

Debunking the lies about Training Ground 918


This week, the IDF held a military exercise that began in the Negev in Biq’at Arad and ended in Training Ground 918 in the South Hebron Hills. Shouldn’t be much of a big deal, right? Well, far-left organizations such as B’Tselem pounced on this opportunity to attack the IDF, claiming that the drills were held […]

Time to put an end to legislated racism


If you were asked to name a country where there is still a law in force that prohibits Jews from buying property, you might be tempted to make an educated guess based on the dark history of Europe and the long tradition of expulsion and persecution that was facilitated by anti-Jewish legislation over centuries. Places […]

Illegal Palestinian school built overnight in Jordan Valley


One more illegal school joins the rapidly growing roster of similar structures built by the Palestinian Authority at lightning speed. The newest to join the ranks is an illegal school built overnight – literally – in the Jordan Valley. Regavim, meanwhile, is clear about the problem: “While the Israeli government chatters about sovereignty in the […]

Destruction on Temple Mount – a new and old tragedy


We warned, we explained, we reminded the authorities, and we even went to the High Court of Justice. Yet the national disgrace continues, as the Wakf’s takeover of a 1400-year old structure at the Mercy Gate has allowed it to become a breeding ground for terrorism. Back in February 2019, the Muslim Religious Trust (Wakf) […]

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