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Adding injury to insult – but with a good ending


Security Coordinator whose weapon was impounded last year when spiteful, baseless charges were filed against him by criminals, was wounded last night as he fended off a terrorist with his bare hands while protecting his community. Last night (Sunday 30 May) a terrorist who infiltrated from the Gaza Strip stabbed the Security Coordinator of one […]

Photo contest: my beautiful Israel


Announcing Regavim’s Photo Contest: My Beautiful IsraelShare, enjoy – and WIN FABULOUS PRIZES! Summer is here, and the time to enjoy Israel’s beautiful landscapes – either live or virtually – is NOW! We invite you to upload your best photo of an Israeli landscape here by 8 Tamuz (18 June) and join the competition. We’ll […]

Regavim in the Knesset: next outbreak of violence a matter of time


Today (26 May) we participated in an emergency Knesset hearing to discuss the explosion of lawlessness throughout Israel in recent weeks. The hearing, organized by Regavim and MK Amichai Chikli of Yemina, was attended by many Members of Knesset, local leaders, civil organizations, and residents of mixed cities. In his remarks, Meir Deutsch, Regavim’s Director […]

A message to our friends and partners in light of events in Lod


Friends, For over a week, the Jewish state has been under attack: Alongside incessant rocket fire by the Hamas terror group in Gaza, a wave of domestic Arab terror has swept across Israel. Years of poor governance and a lack of enforcement have served as a breeding ground for Arab riots, antisemitic pogroms and a […]

Response to EU claim that it’s an honest broker in Israel-Palestinian arena


Recently we were hosted by The Israel Connexion on J-AIR Community Radio to discuss EU-Israel relations, together with Peter Stano, spokesperson for the European External Action Service – EEAS. Mr Stano reiterated the EU’s official position that supports a two-state ‘solution’ through bilateral negotiations. He also claimed that the European Union is not engaged in […]

Why the Kaminitz Law is so crucial for Israel’s future


In an attempt to garner Arab parties’ support, the Israeli left is now seeking the total repeal of Amendment 116, better known as the Kaminitz Law, which seeks to address the epidemic of illegal construction. Illegal construction on public and private land is a national epidemic that has been ravaging the Israeli landscape for far […]

PA ‘celebrated’ Passover with illegal construction blitz in Area C


The Palestinian Authority (PA) took advantage of the Passover holiday recess for large-scale illegal construction, including sites already under court-issued work-stop orders. Regavim: “This pattern repeats itself over each holiday, and the Israeli authorities continue to do nothing to prevent it.” While Israelis enjoyed the week-long Passover holiday, the PA used the Civil Administration’s vacation […]

Who’s providing illegal construction in Area C?


Freedom of Information Petition: Who is providing electricity to illegal Palestinian construction? The Regavim Movement has petitioned the Jerusalem District Court, after the Civil Administration refused to provide data on the extent of electricity connections apparently supplied by the East Jerusalem Electric Company, an Israeli subsidiary of the Israel Electric Company which is subject to […]

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