Results Found 207 results were found

Success: dangerous, illegal structure near Yakir torn down


We pressed, we demanded, we didn’t give up – and the dangerous structure at Yakir junction was torn down! At the beginning of August, we noticed Arab residents of Judea and Samaria building a structure near the Yakir junction, without the necessary permits. Over the years, shops were built illegally, one after another, next to […]

Khan al Ahmar issue won’t be solved by further procrastination


Khan al Ahmar: High Court of Justice grants the government an additional delay.  “Compromise attempts have become uncompromising contempt.” The High Court of Justice granted the government an additional six-month delay in the Khan al Ahmar case. Regavim: Kicking the can down the road isn’t the solution, it’s part of the problem. This morning (Wednesday), […]

The coalition must not reward bad behavior


The coalition depends on the votes of the Ra’am party so it is about to pass a law that effectively rewards illegal construction, which is a serious problem in the Arab sector. Without fanfare, the Ra’am party recently submitted one of the shortest bills in Israel’s legislative history. Amending only three words – “14 Sivan […]

How Israel has been aiding and abetting illegal Palestinian construction


This article first appeared on the JNS Wire. Through incessant legal and procedural appeals, the PA has upended Israeli law enforcement and set the system against itself, creating facts on the ground and laying the foundations of a Palestinian state in the heart of the land of Israel. It’s no secret that the system of […]

Shana tova from Regavim!


The start of a new year gives us a unique opportunity to thank you for your support, encouragement and partnership. This past year presented a new set of challenges. Lockdowns and social distancing, along with a volatile and exceptionally challenging political environment, forced us to find new, creative solutions in order to continue our important […]

Regavim: Bennett-Lapid government on a dangerous trajectory


The Regavim Movement reacted with concern to the state’s response in the Khan al Ahmar case, which was submitted to the High Court this evening. The government requested an additional six month delay of the deadline to submit its official position to the court in the matter of the illegal outpost on Route 1 slated […]

Illegal school in Gush Etzion: symptomatic of a wider problem


It took a mere 12 months for the Palestinian Authority to build this enormous, impressive, and illegal school in Kisan, eastern Gush Etzion. As soon as construction was underway, we petitioned the Jerusalem District Court – since the Israeli authorities did absolutely nothing to prevent yet another land grab. In response to our petition, the […]

Woke history hits Middle East as Palestinians accused of erasing history


This article appeared first on Fox News Palestinian leaders and their western supporters on the political Left are now re-interpreting biblical history amid a wider expansion of woke activism in the Middle East, critics say. The Palestinian Authority (PA), emboldened by some in Europe and United Nations bodies, are looking to dismantle Judeo-Christian ties to the Holy Land as they seek to […]

A Stop Work Order when work has already been completed


In June, we told our followers on social media about a massive industrial structure that was built illegally next to the village of Kifl Haris in central Samaria. The structure poses a safety threat to drivers on Route 5, the highway that connects the Jordan Valley to Israel’s center and Gush Dan. We approached the […]

Fact-check: Are the Negev Bedouin an Indigenous People?


Yesterday marked the International Day of Indigenous Peoples. During the Knesset’s Finance Committee meeting, MK Mossi Raz of Meretz claimed that the Bedouin minority in the Negev are “indigenous”. We’d like to enlighten MK Raz and explain why his claim is patently false. What constitutes an indigenous people is a complicated question that is yet to be solved. […]

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