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Petition: Tomorrow’s “Day of Disruption” isn’t a protest, it’s sanctioned anarchy


The Regavim Movement submitted a petition to the High Court this morning (Wednesday) demanding that the Police Commissioner and the Attorney General be required to stop the ‘Day of Disruption’ protest planned this week and investigate its leaders for sedition and incitement to commit crimes. After a number of urgent appeals to the Police Commissioner […]

“A Moment of Truth:” Edelstein and Danon at Khan al Ahmar


This morning (Monday), Likud MKs Danny Danon and Yoel (Yuli) Edelstein joined the Regvaim Movement and the Jerusalem Environs Forum – and faced by a pro-Palestinian demonstration. Regavim: “The question isn’t whether or not, but how and when the outpost will be evacuated.” The deadline for the state’s response in the Khan al Ahmar case […]

Regavim brings illegal Palestinian construction to Benny Gantz’s front door


The Regavim Movement constructed a “Palestinian outpost” outside the home of Minister of Defense Benny Gantz – and within minutes were “evicted.” “Gantz is singlehandedly creating the Palestinian state.” This morning (Monday), members of the Regavim Movement erected a structure, decorated with Palestinian and European Union flags, near the Rosh Ha’ayin home of the Minister […]

Preview: “The Vanishing Negev” report


Our most recent report, currently being translated into English, is an in-depth, up-to-date study of land use policy in the Negev, offering a comprehensive survey of the history and land ownership claims of the Negev Bedouin community, settlement and regulation efforts and the current realities created by illegal construction and more. This report offers multi-disciplinary […]

Indefensible Equivalence


There seems to be no limit to the hypocrisy and double-talk to which Israeli voters are being exposed in this election season. This week’s installment of double-speak came from no lesser a luminary than Minister of Defense Benny Gantz, who is quickly proving himself to be a master of the genre. Speaking from the podium […]

Regavim petitions High Court: Cancel the directive that protects illegal Palestinian construction


In a renewed petition submitted to the High Court of Justice, the Regavim Movement calls for changes in Civil Administration procedures that automatically freeze enforcement against thousands of illegal structures in Area C. Regavim: “This procedural distortion encourages illegal construction, entrenches and enables the Palestinian takeover of Area C.” In 2021, a Regavim petition to […]

High Court to Decide: Who Will Pay for the Cleanup?


After a seemingly endless stream of correspondence and complaints by Regavim, the Civil Administration cleared an illegal garbage dump in the Binyamin region. But the Regavim Movement discovered that the dumping site was cleared and rehabilitated at the expense of the Israeli taxpayer, and not a single one of the criminals arrested for dumping the […]

Emergency Regulations Cannot Replace National Policy


The Emergency Regulations Law in Judea and Samaria was passed today by the government, but still needs to be brought back to the Knesset plenum. This ongoing saga exposes the decades-long failure of Israeli governments to formulate policy for Judea and Samaria. Last week, the Knesset plenum voted down what has been a standard piece […]

Enough is enough! Gantz – end 54 years of anti-Jewish discrimination!


The Regavim Movement’s recent High Court of Justice petition targeting Defense Minister Benny Gantz’s refusal to revoke an anti-Jewish law still in force in Judea and Samaria is approaching the next stage, and Regavim has released a video highlighting the issue. “The situation is so ridiculous, it’s difficult to explain how it has continued for […]

After two decades: High Court finally stops believing Fake News


Last weekend, Israel’s High Court of Justice (HCJ) handed down a decision on a petition that’s been pending for two decades. The High Court allowed for hundreds of Palestinian invaders to be evicted from Training Ground 918, an IDF training zone in the South Hebron Hills region. The complicated case has been discussed in the […]

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