Results Found 38 results were found

Regavim: State Comptroller’s report – a red alert for the Negev


The Regavim Movement reacted to the findings of the State Comptroller, released today (Wednesday) in a report focusing on governance in the Negev: “The government can turn the situation in the Negev around – by enacting five practical recommendations that arise from this in-depth and comprehensive report.” Meir Deutsch, Director General of Regavim: “This is […]

Field tour in the Negev for Knesset Land of Israel Caucus


Today (Thursday), we held a field tour in the Negev for Members of Knesset from the Knesset Land of Israel Caucus. We discussed the complex topic of the illegal squatter camps in the Negev and its consequences for the State of Israel. Participants in the field tour included: MKs Yoav Kisch, Orit Strouk, Amir Ohana, […]

With legal procedures exhausted, Regavim demands: protect the Herodion!


For over three years, Regavim has been involved in a legal battle over an illegal school built right next to the Herodion, probably one of Israel’s most important historical sites.   Back in 2018, we petitioned the High Court of Justice against the Civil Administration as the new school was allowed to spring up without […]

Regavim unfairly hit with ₪10,000 fine imposed by Court


We’ve been in the business of protecting Israel’s land resources for many years, but this episode is something we’ve never encountered before. In one of our recent legal cases, the Jerusalem District Court accepted the Civil Administration’s narrative, despite its neglectful conduct, and decided to hit Regavim with a 10,000 shekels fine! Let’s start from […]

High Court of Justice petition: stop illegal takeover of Gush Etzion


Regavim petitions High Court of Justice: Apply the enforcement tools legislated in 2018 against new Palestinian Authority de facto annexation in Gush Etzion region of Area C. Following the Regavim Movement’s urgent requests to the Ministry of Defense to halt further progress on an illegal road being paved by the Palestinian Authority in a strategic […]

Illegal ‘Central Bus Station’ cleared


Recently, we exposed, along with journalist Lia Spilkin that a huge number of old Egged buses were sold to an illegal junkyard. Since the operation of the junkyard was carried out without supervision, ignoring all regulations and requirements, the environmental damage was huge, and old vehicle parts found their way onto the black market. Egged […]

Regavim in the Knesset: next outbreak of violence a matter of time


Today (26 May) we participated in an emergency Knesset hearing to discuss the explosion of lawlessness throughout Israel in recent weeks. The hearing, organized by Regavim and MK Amichai Chikli of Yemina, was attended by many Members of Knesset, local leaders, civil organizations, and residents of mixed cities. In his remarks, Meir Deutsch, Regavim’s Director […]

The secret tunnel being hidden by the Jerusalem Municipality


The Regavim Movement filed a petition against the Jerusalem Municipality, demanding law enforcement against an illegal subterranean tunnel dug by the Church of the Dormition on Mount Zion, in the heart of Jerusalem’s Old City – an area dense with historical and archaeological treasures. The Regavim Movement filed a petition yesterday (Tuesday) in the Jerusalem […]

Another win for Regavim: Bir Zeit junkyard cleared


As a result of our petition, a massive junkyard that was blighting the countryside and polluting the groundwater in the Binyamin region was cleared. Countless wrecks had been piling up for years at an illegal automotive scrapyard near Bir Zeit, polluting topsoil and groundwater with untreated effluents and automotive waste. About eight months ago, we […]

Mt. Trashmore: A permanent fixture in Binyamin?


At the largest illegal dump in Judea and Samaria, untreated waste continues to pollute the entire ecosystem – and no indictments are in sight. Under cover of the first corona shutdown, the Ramallah Municipality dumped thousands of truckloads of untreated refuse into an abandoned quarry at the headwaters of Nahal Makoch. The Civil Administration admits: […]

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