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Regavim applauds Police efforts to eradicate organized crime


Following last night’s events in Tamra, an Arab town in northern Israel, the Regavim Movement applauds the decisive law enforcement activity by the Israel Police and calls on the leaders of the Israeli-Arab sector to support Israel Police efforts to eradicate organized crime. In recent weeks, the Israel Police have carried out extensive – and […]



Field Division Regavim’s field coordinators keep close tabs on what’s happening on State land throughout the Land of Israel. We investigate and document who’s building what, where, why, with whose permission, and then “connect the dots” to see the big picture, to identify trends and strategic developments. We monitor nature reserves, IDF training grounds, and […]

In unprecedented court ruling, polygamist sentenced to seven months in prison


Last week, the Beer Sheva Magistrates Court sentenced an Israeli Bedouin to seven months in prison, after he was found guilty of polygamy. The man, a resident of the Negev, was already married when he took an additional wife. Although polygamy has been illegal in Israel since 1951, this is only the second time that a polygamist was sentenced to […]

Illegal construction at the UNTSO compound in Jerusalem


Regavim’s petition regarding the UNTSO Compound in Armon HaNatziv continues. In March 2017, Regavim petitioned the Jerusalem Magistrates Court for a temporary injunction requiring the Israeli authorities to issue evacuation and restoration orders against illegal construction at the UNTSO compound in Armon HaNatziv, in southern Jerusalem. This petition was the result of Regavim’s discovery that […]

Illegal Palestinian school built overnight in Jordan Valley


One more illegal school joins the rapidly growing roster of similar structures built by the Palestinian Authority at lightning speed. The newest to join the ranks is an illegal school built overnight – literally – in the Jordan Valley. Regavim, meanwhile, is clear about the problem: “While the Israeli government chatters about sovereignty in the […]

Polygamy in the Bedouin sector: A ticking time-bomb that nearly exploded


Today (September 7), the Shin Bet security agency announced that it foiled a Hamas bombing attack at Bilu Junction in central Israel. Mahmud Makdad, an Israeli citizen from the Bedouin town of Segev Shalom in the Negev, was apprehended as he attempted to plant an explosive device in a bus stop at the bustling junction. […]

MK Ofer Cassif’s crocodile tears are also green


The sad truth is that Cassif’s objections have very little to do with ecology and environmental protection, and everything to do with a scorched-earth policy of anti-normalization in the West Bank. A recent Knesset hearing on the proposed Sha’ar Shomron Commercial Centre was an invaluable lesson in Israeli politics and its ills. MK Ofer Cassif […]

The historic battle for Israel’s heritage


According to the map at the core of US President Donald Trump’s “Deal of the Century,” if and when a Palestinian state is established, hundreds of world heritage and archaeology sites will be removed from Israeli hands and placed under Palestinian jurisdiction. There is every reason to fear that this will accelerate the already-rampant takeover, “re-interpretation” […]

Palestinians seized 30% of Israeli land in Judea & Samaria


The Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee has been told that the Palestinians have taken over large swaths of Israeli-controlled land in Judea and Samaria while authorities dither on what action to take, Makor Rishon reported Monday. Testifying before the committee, a representative of the pro-settlement Regavim presented mapping data they collected that does not correspond to […]

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