The Days of Awe are upon us – a time for taking stock, personally and collectively – which makes all of us at Regavim particularly proud of being chosen as the Jewish Press “Man of the Year.”

For over 16 years, Regavim has been waging the battle to protect Israel’s most basic resources and to preserve Israeli sovereignty. With a solid, significant impact on Israeli public policy and discourse and a reputation for impeccable fieldwork, uncompromisingly precise data collection and analysis, precedent-setting legal activism and forward-thinking, comprehensive solutions to the most serious challenges facing Zionist policy – we truly are “the most grownup … NGO in the room.”


On Yom Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish calendar, we pray: “Avinu Malkeinu… inscribe us in the Book of Merit”

Support Regavim – and merit a share in protecting the Land of Israel. Look for Regavim’s Pidyon Kaparot collection box in synagogues throughout Israel – or dedicate your Yom Kippur donation to supporting another year of activism to protect our precious Homeland. Simply click here to make a tax-exempt donation.