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United Arab List’s celebration of the repeal of the Kaminitz Law is fake news


This morning (Wednesday 18 December), the Knesset Arrangements Committee assigned hearings on enforcement of the ‘Kaminןtz Law’ to the Finance Committee. MKs from the United Arab List immediately launched a flurry of tweets framing the decision as a step toward the successful repeal of the law. MK Osama Saadi of the United Arab List claimed […]

Arab City Growing in the Judean Desert – on IDF Training Ground 917


The State admits: Illegal construction for Arabs was whitewashed– but policy has changed In the course of a High Court of Justice hearing on  Regavim’s petition against the illegal Arab city growing in the Judean Desert, the State’s attorney admitted that in the past Arabs had been allowed to build without permits or planning approval. […]

Illegal and dangerous: construction in IDF Training Grounds 917 & 918


IDF Firing Zones 917 and 918 are situated in a strategic area in the South Hebron Hills, a region that connects Israel’s eastern flank to the Negev and the Dead Sea. For the past few years, a massive take-over of land in this area has been underway, and we at Regavim have made a major […]

A day of celebration for governance and environmental protection


Regavim congratulates the government of Israel: We welcome the decisions announced by the Cabinet last night (Thursday), a series of steps that will strengthen Jewish communities and governance in Judea and Samaria and shore up Israel’s stance against those who seek to harm the Jewish State. Alongside approval of five Jewish communities in Judea and […]



Behind the Headlines With Regavim

Op-ed: Wishful thinking redux


One of the most talked-about topics in Israeli public discourse since the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war is the collapse of what Israelis call “the conception,” the assumptions regarding the intentions, capabilities and willingness of the Palestinian people and its leadership to wage war. The paradigm that has shaped Israel’s military and political strategy for […]

Exposed: Nearly 80 “PASF terrorists” in the past three years


A new report reveals that nearly 80 officers of the Palestinian Authority Security Forces have been killed or arrested while carrying out terror attacks against Israeli citizens and IDF soldiers in the past three years. Regavim: “To continue to claim that the Palestinian Authority is a moderating force that fights terrorism is to prop up […]

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