Results Found 207 results were found

Swiss government funds illegal school in Gush Etzion; Israel fails to react


In early September, there was a special celebration in the village of Kisan in eastern Gush Etzion in honor of the opening of a new school. But, as we told you before, the school was built without permits by the Palestinian Authority. The construction period was short, and lasted just over a year. As soon […]

Near Yakir: one junction, dozens of illegal structures


Illegal construction has plagued the area of Yakir, an Israeli community in Samaria, and the junction near its entrance. We know about it all too well, as does the Civil Administration. Down the years, shops have been built illegally, one after another, next to the main road, leading to traffic accidents going in and out […]

Rising extremism in Israeli Bedouin society is undeniable


Today, the General Security Service (Shabak) released details of the arrest of the Bedouin millionaire Yakub Abu-Alkiyan on suspicion of treason. Meir Deutsch, Director General of Regavim responded: “The fact that Abu-Alkiyan, a millionaire with extensive property and business holdings who maintains close ties with leaders of Israel’s economy, passed sensitive security information to Iranian […]

Regavim unfairly hit with ₪10,000 fine imposed by Court


We’ve been in the business of protecting Israel’s land resources for many years, but this episode is something we’ve never encountered before. In one of our recent legal cases, the Jerusalem District Court accepted the Civil Administration’s narrative, despite its neglectful conduct, and decided to hit Regavim with a 10,000 shekels fine! Let’s start from […]

Abbas & new Bedouin “communities”: What’s it all about?


What are the “new settlements” in the Negev that Raam Party leader Mansour Abbas is demanding? When you imagine the establishment of new settlements, you probably think of architects and engineers who sit down together and plan framework and infrastructure of any new settlement down to the smallest detail. But things in the Negev work […]

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