Results Found 38 results were found

A day of celebration for governance and environmental protection


Regavim congratulates the government of Israel: We welcome the decisions announced by the Cabinet last night (Thursday), a series of steps that will strengthen Jewish communities and governance in Judea and Samaria and shore up Israel’s stance against those who seek to harm the Jewish State. Alongside approval of five Jewish communities in Judea and […]

Reasonableness, unreasonableness and the abuse of the legal system


Under a newly adopted law, the “reasonableness doctrine,” created by former Chief Justice Aharon Barak as a means of vastly expanding the power of Israel’s High Court to overrule policy choices made by officials, has been curtailed.  In what may come as a surprise to critics of the move in Israel and abroad, the sky has not fallen, […]

Our Field Coordinator comes under fire near Kiryat Arba


On Thursday afternoon (29 September), shots were fired at Regavim’s Field Coordinator for Judea and Samaria. On a routine field patrol near Kiryat Arba, Regavim’s Field Coordinator for Judea and Samaria and the Municipality’s Land Protection Officer were targeted by gunfire. The incident ended without casualties. Regavim’s Field Coordinator, Menash Shmueli, alerted security forces who […]

Shana Tova from Regavim


Dear Partners and Friends, Each year, as the New Year approaches, we at Regavim take a moment for introspection – as individuals and as members of the larger circles of our lives: family, community and nation. We look back on the year that has passed, and look ahead to the year that lies just around […]

Indefensible Equivalence


There seems to be no limit to the hypocrisy and double-talk to which Israeli voters are being exposed in this election season. This week’s installment of double-speak came from no lesser a luminary than Minister of Defense Benny Gantz, who is quickly proving himself to be a master of the genre. Speaking from the podium […]

Regavim petitions High Court: Cancel the directive that protects illegal Palestinian construction


In a renewed petition submitted to the High Court of Justice, the Regavim Movement calls for changes in Civil Administration procedures that automatically freeze enforcement against thousands of illegal structures in Area C. Regavim: “This procedural distortion encourages illegal construction, entrenches and enables the Palestinian takeover of Area C.” In 2021, a Regavim petition to […]

High Court to Decide: Who Will Pay for the Cleanup?


After a seemingly endless stream of correspondence and complaints by Regavim, the Civil Administration cleared an illegal garbage dump in the Binyamin region. But the Regavim Movement discovered that the dumping site was cleared and rehabilitated at the expense of the Israeli taxpayer, and not a single one of the criminals arrested for dumping the […]

A Game-Changing Achievement: “Mukhtar Protocol” Canceled


Four years after we set out to abolish the problematic procedure by which property ownership was determined in East Jerusalem, the Mukhtar Protocol has been revoked. The Mukhtar Protocol was one of the most corrupt, discriminatory procedures enforced by the State of Israel. In a nutshell, this longstanding procedural practice, which was used to establish […]

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