Results Found 79 results were found

Palestinians seized 30% of Israeli land in Judea & Samaria


The Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee has been told that the Palestinians have taken over large swaths of Israeli-controlled land in Judea and Samaria while authorities dither on what action to take, Makor Rishon reported Monday. Testifying before the committee, a representative of the pro-settlement Regavim presented mapping data they collected that does not correspond to […]

It’s the largest quarry in Israel – and it’s illegal


The Regavim Movement recently petitioned the Jerusalem District Court against the continued operation of the Beit Fajar quarry in eastern Gush Etzion. The quarry currently spans some 1,500 dunams (1.5 km2) – hundreds of dunams of which are registered state land – and continues to cause irreversible ecological and environmental damage. Approximately one third of […]

Inspectors attacked at Har Meron nature reserve


Today (Monday 13 July), Nature and Parks Authority inspectors, accompanied by a police escort, entered the Har Meron Nature Reserve to post court orders on illegal structures built in the protected area. The inspectors quickly found themselves surrounded by a violent mob of residents of nearby Beit Jann, who pelted them with stones and physically […]

Legal Division Activities – Tammuz 5781


The Battle for Strategic Ground In the course of regular monitoring activities, our Field Coordinator for Judea and Samaria discovered illegal work on a strategic Palestinian Authority project in Gush Etzion: The PA was pulling out all the stops, laying out a road on the outskirts of the Har Gilo community, running through the Heletz […]

How the PA builds on Israeli nature reserves


Many people submitted a petition in the Jerusalem District Court Wednesday against the Palestinian Authority, which built an illegal school within the Nahal Mahoch Nature Reserve, on state land. The petition was filed in parallel with Defense Minister Naftali Bennett’s announcement this morning that he would create seven new nature reserves in Judea and Samaria. The site […]

United Arab List’s celebration of the repeal of the Kaminitz Law is fake news


This morning (Wednesday 18 December), the Knesset Arrangements Committee assigned hearings on enforcement of the ‘Kaminןtz Law’ to the Finance Committee. MKs from the United Arab List immediately launched a flurry of tweets framing the decision as a step toward the successful repeal of the law. MK Osama Saadi of the United Arab List claimed […]

Camels cause deadly car accidents; Regavim blames government


This morning (October 6), Shaadi Abu Alkiyan of Hura (28) succumbed to wounds resulting from a collision with a wandering camel last week on the main road to his hometown. At the same time as this fatal accident, two other Israelis were wounded in another car crash with a camel near Ovda. Regavim places the […]

Arab City Growing in the Judean Desert – on IDF Training Ground 917


The State admits: Illegal construction for Arabs was whitewashed– but policy has changed In the course of a High Court of Justice hearing on  Regavim’s petition against the illegal Arab city growing in the Judean Desert, the State’s attorney admitted that in the past Arabs had been allowed to build without permits or planning approval. […]

A game-changing law against illegal construction


Following a legislative initiative over a decade in the works, the Knesset last week passed the “Kaminitz Law,” granting the state greater authority when it comes to enforcement with regard to construction violations throughout the country. The legislation, known as amendment 109 of the Planning and Building Law, which passed 43-33 in a special session […]

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